Using Print Statements and Debugging Tools in Python

Using Print Statements:

Print statements are a simple yet powerful way to debug your Python code. By inserting print statements at strategic points in your code, you can inspect variable values, check if certain conditions are met, or track the flow of your program's execution.

            # Example of using print statements for debugging
            def factorial(n):
                result = 1
                for i in range(1, n + 1):
                    result *= i
                    print(f"i: {i}, result: {result}")
                return result

            # Calling the factorial() function

Using Debugging Tools:

Python offers various debugging tools that can help you identify and fix issues in your code more efficiently than using print statements alone. Some popular Python debugging tools include:

Example of Using pdb:

            # Using pdb for debugging
            import pdb

            def divide(a, b):
                pdb.set_trace()  # Set a breakpoint
                result = a / b
                return result

            # Calling the divide() function
            print(divide(10, 2))

Using print statements and debugging tools, such as Thonny, can significantly improve your ability to identify and resolve bugs in your Python code, making the development process smoother and more productive.

Debugging with Pycharm YouTube Video