Common Errors in Python and How to Fix Them

1. SyntaxError:

Syntax errors occur when the Python interpreter encounters code that does not follow the correct syntax rules of the language. The most common causes of syntax errors are missing parentheses, incorrect indentation, or invalid characters.


            # SyntaxError: Missing closing parenthesis
            print("Hello, world!"


            # Add a closing parenthesis
            print("Hello, world!")

2. NameError:

Name errors occur when you try to use a variable or a function that has not been defined or is out of scope.


            # NameError: 'x' is not defined
            result = x + 5


            # Define the variable 'x' before using it
            x = 10
            result = x + 5

3. IndentationError:

Indentation errors occur when the code is not indented properly, typically within a block of code such as a loop or a function definition.


            # IndentationError: unexpected indent
            for i in range(5):


            # Indent the 'print' statement to match the 'for' loop
            for i in range(5):

4. TypeError:

Type errors occur when you perform an operation on incompatible data types or pass the wrong number of arguments to a function.


            # TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
            result = 5 + "hello"


            # Convert the integer to a string before concatenating
            result = str(5) + "hello"

Understanding common errors and knowing how to fix them is essential for debugging and maintaining your Python code effectively.

TOP 10 Most Common ERRORS In Python And How To FIX Them YouTube Video