Building a Simple Calculator Program Using Python Concepts

Warning: This project is designed to reinforce your understanding of Python concepts. Please avoid using ChatGPT or any external sources to generate the code for this project. Instead, challenge yourself to write the code independently. Doing so will enhance your programming skills and deepen your comprehension of Python concepts.

Congratulations: You have successfully completed Phase 1 of the learning plan! As you embark on this project, we encourage you to apply your knowledge and skills to build the calculator program from scratch.

The goal of this project is to create a command-line calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations using Python concepts learned so far. The calculator will allow the user to input two operands and choose the desired arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division).

Python Concepts Used in This Project:

The calculator program will prompt the user to enter two operands and ask for the desired arithmetic operation (e.g., '+', '-', '*', '/'). It will then perform the chosen operation on the operands and display the result on the screen.

The program will also handle invalid input gracefully, providing clear instructions to the user in case of errors or incorrect input values.

This project is an excellent opportunity to apply the fundamental Python concepts you've learned, such as data types, variables, conditional statements, and functions. By building a practical and interactive calculator, you'll gain hands-on experience and enhance your problem-solving skills in Python programming.

Good luck with the project, and once you feel confident with the calculator, you're ready to move on to Phase 2 of the learning plan. In Phase 2, you'll explore more advanced topics like data structures, loops, and explore how to manipulate text and strings effectively in Python. Keep up the great work, and enjoy your journey to becoming a skilled Python programmer!