Printing Output with print()

Using print() to Display Output:

In Python, the print() function is used to display output to the console. You can print strings, numbers, variables, and more. The print() function automatically adds a new line after each call, but you can change this behavior using the "end" parameter.

            # Printing a simple message
            print("Hello, World!")

            # Printing variables
            name = "Alice"
            age = 30
            print("Name:", name, "Age:", age)

            # Printing numbers
            x = 10
            y = 20
            sum = x + y
            print("Sum of", x, "and", y, "is", sum)

            # Customizing the end parameter
            print("Hello", end=" ")

Formatting Output:

You can format the output using string formatting methods such as f-strings or the format() method. These methods allow you to embed variables and expressions within the printed text.

            # Using f-strings
            name = "Bob"
            age = 25
            print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.")

            # Using the format() method
            item = "book"
            price = 19.99
            print("The {} costs ${:.2f}".format(item, price))

Multiple Arguments with print():

The print() function can take multiple arguments separated by commas. It will print each argument with a space in between. You can use this feature to print multiple items on the same line.

            # Printing multiple items on the same line
            name = "Charlie"
            age = 35
            city = "New York"
            print(name, age, city, "are friends.")

The print() function is a versatile tool for displaying output and helps you see the results of your Python code.

Printing to the Console in Python YouTube Video