Making Decisions Based on Conditions in Python


In Python, you can use conditional statements to make decisions based on certain conditions. This allows your programs to perform different actions or follow different paths depending on the values of variables or user input.

Comparison Operators:

Comparison operators are used to compare values and determine the truth of a condition. Here are some common comparison operators in Python:


Let's see some examples of making decisions based on conditions in Python:

            # Using if statement with comparison operators
            temperature = 25
            if temperature > 30:
                print("It's hot outside.")
            elif temperature > 20:
                print("It's warm outside.")
                print("It's cool outside.")

            # Using if-else with user input
            age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
            if age >= 18:
                print("You are an adult.")
                print("You are a minor.")

            # Using logical operators (and, or)
            x = 10
            y = 25
            if x > 0 and y > 0:
                print("Both numbers are positive.")
            elif x > 0 or y > 0:
                print("At least one number is positive.")
                print("Both numbers are non-positive.")

Making decisions based on conditions is crucial for controlling the flow of your Python programs and creating dynamic and responsive applications.

Make DECISIONS in your code with conditionals YouTube Video