Concatenating Strings with the + Operator in Python

Concatenating Strings:

In Python, you can concatenate (combine) strings using the `+` operator. The `+` operator allows you to join two or more strings together, creating a single string containing the combined contents of the individual strings.

            # Concatenating strings
            first_name = "John"
            last_name = "Doe"
            full_name = first_name + " " + last_name
            print("Full Name:", full_name)

            # Concatenating strings with literals
            greeting = "Hello, " + "World!"

            # Concatenating strings with variables and literals
            fruit = "apple"
            quantity = 3
            order_summary = "You ordered " + str(quantity) + " " + fruit + "s."

Using the `+=` Operator:

Python also supports the `+=` operator, which is a shorthand for concatenating strings. It updates the value of the original string by adding the new string to it.

            # Using the `+=` operator
            message = "Hello, "
            name = "Alice"
            message += name

            # Concatenating strings with `+=` and literals
            result = "The answer is: "
            answer = 42
            result += str(answer)

Understanding string concatenation with the `+` operator allows you to build dynamic strings and construct messages in your Python programs.

String Concatenation YouTube Video